Our Events

Designed to empower Participants with Digital Literacy

Event Outdoor
What happens

Empower Youths with Digital Literacy

Project Jagaran’s events are designed to empower youths with digital literacy, making them more than just educational sessions but rather impactful experiences that leave lasting impressions on the participants.

Community-Centric Approach

Each event is carefully tailored to resonate with the local community's specific needs and context.

Interactive and Immersive Learning Experiences

Making learning about digital literacy and misinformation more enjoyable ensuring better retention and practical application of the knowledge gained.

Gamified Learning

Learning with fun helps in deep understanding of the material.


Info Sessions

Project Jagaran's info and lecture sessions are concise, enlightening experiences designed to educate participants about the basics of misinformation and digital literacy. These sessions serve as a foundation, offering essential insights into identifying, understanding, and countering misinformation effectively.


Fact Checking

Project Jagaran's fact-checking sessions are dynamic and practical workshops focused on teaching the art of discerning fact from fiction. Participants learn vital techniques and tools to verify information, fostering a critical approach to the content they encounter online. We run live fact checking tasks for students to apply their knowledge during the session.



Project Jagaran incorporates gamification as a creative and engaging approach to learning. These sessions use interactive games and challenges that simulate real-world scenarios, making the complex subject of digital literacy and misinformation both fun and accessible.

Event Outdoor
OUR Events

Some of Our Events


ShikshaDeep College Workshop

December 1, 2023


Araniko College Workshop

December 2, 2023


Combating Misinformation Treasure Hunt

December 3, 2023

Let's conduct our next session together.